This name derives from the Persian (Fārsi) “yâsamin” meaning “Gift from God, God's Gift”.
茉莉的英文字源是波斯文 “yâsamin” 意思是: 神的禮物
茉莉的英文字源是波斯文 “yâsamin” 意思是: 神的禮物
quoted from name doctor

Since last year Jassy had been hiding from me.
I thought she was dying because she was green and skinny.
I even suspected she was not what she supposed to be.
Today her face finally glowed in front of me .
I gratefully felt like a new mommy.
God has been taking care of my baby.
Welcome home my little Jassy.
去年收養小盤栽 說茉莉卻無花開
枝葉稀疏沒人愛 聽說花開是將來
害怕被騙很無奈 祈禱澆水又期待
望有天守得雲開 久了便無心裝載
今早照常來灌溉 葉上多了點色彩
花蕾點點花也開 氛芳香氣撲鼻來
原來上帝在關愛 由始至終不變改
陽光雨水從祂來 悉心孕育小盤栽


Since last year Jassy had been hiding from me.
I thought she was dying because she was green and skinny.
I even suspected she was not what she supposed to be.
Today her face finally glowed in front of me .
I gratefully felt like a new mommy.
God has been taking care of my baby.
Welcome home my little Jassy.
去年收養小盤栽 說茉莉卻無花開
枝葉稀疏沒人愛 聽說花開是將來
害怕被騙很無奈 祈禱澆水又期待
望有天守得雲開 久了便無心裝載
今早照常來灌溉 葉上多了點色彩
花蕾點點花也開 氛芳香氣撲鼻來
原來上帝在關愛 由始至終不變改
陽光雨水從祂來 悉心孕育小盤栽

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