déjà vu : the strange feeling that in some way you have already experienced what is happening now

The Psychotronic Torture and gang stalking systems have been trying to repeat all my bad experiences and making them worse. I think Satan still thinks that it is better than God and tries to replace Him. Unfortunately, it can only repeat the curses but not the blessings and it does not have the creativity to give me new blessed experience because it is not God Yahweh nor Jesus Christ. 

電子攻擊及集體跟蹤集團正在重覆我的壞經歷甚至弄得更糟。我估計撒旦仍然認為自己比上帝優勝並嘗試代替祂。但它只做到咒詛卻不能祝福, 它亦沒有那份創意去創造新的祝福及經歷,因它既不是上帝也不是耶穌基督。

They are trying to wither me.

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