Hong Kong and
the Mainland: An Evolving Interdependency
23 May 2018
With the
mainland having adopted its reform and opening-up strategy some 40 years ago
and 20 years having now passed since the return of Hong Kong’s sovereignty,
many people believe the high status once accorded Hong Kong has dwindled. On
the economic front, they cite the fact that Hong Kong’s share of China’s
overall foreign trade has dropped from almost 50% in the mid-1990s to 13% in
more recent years. Similarly, Hong Kong’s share of foreign direct investment
(FDI) in China has also declined, falling from its 1987 high of about 70% to
just 30% in 2005 (although, more recently, it did rebound to 75%). Moreover,
Hong Kong’s share of the total number of visitors to China has also declined,
falling from 70% in 1980 to 54% in 2016.
On the other
hand, Hong Kong’s reliance on the mainland has increased notably. In terms of
external trade, the mainland’s share of Hong Kong’s import-export trade rose
from 13% in 1980 to 50% in 2017. The share of direct investment from the
mainland (not including indirect investment channeled via other sources such as
the Cayman Islands and Bermuda) as part of Hong Kong’s total FDI climbed from
virtually zero in the 1980s to 26% as of the end of 2016. In addition, the
percentage of Hong Kong’s total number of visitors from the mainland surged
from pretty much nil 40 years ago to 76% in 2017.
Chart: Closer Hong Kong-Mainland tourism ties,
from one-way to two-way
The above figures
clearly show that, over the past few decades, the significance of Hong Kong
within a number of China’s economic sectors has changed considerably. The
figures, however, do not indicate that the importance of Hong Kong to China’s
overall economic development has in any way diminished. As the economic
connections between the mainland and Hong Kong have continued to evolve and as
the mainland’s own economy has grown considerably, the significance of Hong
Kong in a number of traditional sectors may well have dwindled. At the same
time, though, its significance in several new economic sectors has clearly been
Taking the
financial sector as an example, as the mainland’s economy and its financial
markets have developed, the channels for sourcing overseas funding have
broadened, graduating from bank loans and direct investments to direct
financing via the capital market. Since 1992, when red-chips and state-owned
enterprises (SOEs) were first listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, mainland
enterprises have raised a total of US$560 billion through public and private
offerings on the Hong Kong stock market. Although this amount still falls short
of the US$900 billion cumulative total of Hong Kong direct investments in the
mainland during the same period, in certain years, the amount of funds raised
through capital markets exceeded the amount of direct investment. In terms of
the combined total of direct investment and capital market financing, Hong
Kong’s share of China’s offshore financing was nearly always above the 50% mark
as far back as the 1990s and right up to the present day. In recent years, this
share occasionally came close to 80%. Rather than dropping, then, the level of
financing the mainland derives from Hong Kong has actually been increasing.
Chart: Hong
Kong’s share of China’s capital inflow
Similarly, trade
relations between Hong Kong and the mainland have also gone through something
of an evolutionary process. Simply by reviewing the relevant customs statistics
it is clear that the share of Hong Kong-mainland trade as a percentage of the
country’s overall foreign trade has declined considerably, falling from its
1992 high of 49% to just 13% in recent years.
It should be
noted, however, that as a result of industrial relocation, the manufacturing
and export shipment of many “Hong Kong products” are now conducted via the
mainland. As a consequence, the applicable trade statistics have been
attributed to the mainland’s overall foreign trade figures. Should the Hong
Kong-related “offshore trade” figures currently allocated to the mainland be
restored to Hong Kong’s own external trade figures, a very different picture
would emerge. Such an exercise would clearly demonstrate that Hong Kong’s peak
contribution to China’s overall level of external trade was not the 49%
recorded for 1992, but rather the 67% that went unacknowledged in 2000. More
recently, its recorded share, as revealed by the “offshore trade-adjusted”
figures, would be 27%, more than double the official figure of 13%.
Chart: Hong
Kong’s share of China’s trade, onshore and offshore
The two examples
above clearly show that in order to fully understand the evolving nature of
Hong Kong-mainland economic relations, an “organic”, holistic perspective must
be adopted as opposed to a simple, mechanical perusal of the data on offer.
Obviously, as the economies of the mainland and Hong Kong continue to develop,
the interdependent relationship between the two will remain in a state of flux.
While the
significance of Hong Kong in certain areas is clearly declining, its reliance
on the mainland is increasing. This is particularly true in a number of the
more traditional economic sectors, notably external trade and tourism. Due to
changes in the relevant economic patterns, as well as shortcomings in certain
statistical approaches, a number of misconceptions have arisen, particularly
with regard to offshore trade and direct financing. There are also certain
sectors where Hong Kong’s contribution and significance to China as a whole has
grown considerably. This is most apparent with regard to several specific areas
of economic development, including outward investment, RMB internationalisation
and technology transfer.
As far as
outward investment is concerned, Hong Kong has always been the mainland’s
leading investment destination, accounting for more than 60% of its total
outward direct investment. It should also be noted that the available forms of
outward investment have also broadened. Whereas once the simple direct agency
model prevailed, there are now a variety of options on offer, including group
holdings, mergers, acquisitions and special-purpose vehicles.
In a similar fashion,
the RMB internationalization options have also increased. This has seen the
sector expand from simple retail bank business to capital market activities and
a range of specialized financial sectors, including insurance, wealth
management and foreign exchanges. Across many of these sectors, though, Hong
Kong remains the dominant player in the market, accounting for a substantial
proportion of all RMB offshore deposit, loan, trade settlement, and foreign
exchange settlement activity.
With many of the
above instances relating to emerging economic development sectors, their true
significance and likely growth may be difficult to glean from the official
statistics. Additionally, as many of these sectors are highly specialized, they
are not easily comprehensible to casual onlookers. Indeed, it is only through
careful observation and in-depth study that the true nature of the economic
interdependence and mutual support that exists between Hong Kong and the
mainland can be properly ascertained.
At present, the
mainland economy is entering a new phase of its development. This has seen it
committing to a broad range of initiatives, such as market reform, industrial
upgrade, wider opening up to the outside world, greater integration with the
international economy and extensive proactive participation in the global
economic recovery. Amid all this, Hong Kong, as the mainland’s most market-oriented,
internationalized and open city, has a unique role to play in the country’s
overall reform, as well as an immense contribution to make to its process of
opening-up to the outside world.
This article
originally appeared in Hong Kong Economic Journal (10 May 2018)
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