U.S. Congress: Outlaw organized gang stalking/ Community based harassment/Illegal Cointelpro Surveillance.

Organized Stalking is a form of terrorism used against an individual in a malicious attempt to reduce the quality of a person's life so they will: have a nervous break-down, become incarcerated, institutionalized, experience constant mental, emotional, or physical pain, become homeless, and/or commit suicide. This is done using well-orchestrated accusations, lies, rumors, bogus investigations, setups, framings, intimidation, overt or covert threats, vandalism, thefts, sabotage, torture, humiliation, emotional terror and general harassment. It is a "ganging up" by members of the community who follow an organizer and participate in a systematic "terrorizing" of an individual. Organized gang stalking can involve a group in the hundreds to thousands harassing a single person or family 24/7. The victim is stalked en masse by car, foot, bike, and air in order alienate and isolate the victim. The goals of gang stalking are to: provoke the victim to assault someone and get arrested; make the victim seem delusional/ mentally ill (see "gaslighting"); make the victim so depressed they become suicidal. Tactics used are relentless color harassment, noise harassment, air harassment, hand signals, electronic monitoring inside the home and car (complete invasion of privacy; redirecting of phone calls, emails, postal mail), workplace mobbing, "directed conversation" and innuendo, erratic/ aggressive driving, bizarre/rude/bullying behavior in the community, and much more. Police and fire dept. are often involved in the stalking so the victim feels like they have nowhere to turn and it is hard to prove. This is extreme criminal activity that is becoming more common and needs to be outlawed.
Maura Sheehan started this petition to Member of Parliament Calgary Southwest Stephen Harper and 11 others 

有組織性跟蹤是針對個人的恐佈活動,惡意地企圖降低受害人之生活質素從而導致受害人精神崩潰,被監禁,被送進精神病院缺乏自理能力,長期經歷精神、情緒和肉體上的痛楚,成為露宿者,甚至自殺。利用精密策劃的指控、欺騙、謠言、偽造不合法的調查、佈局、陷阱、威脅、公開或秘密的恐嚇、蓄意毀懷他人財物、盜竊、破壞、折磨、羞辱、情緒驚駭、騷擾。這是一種跟隨組織發起人的社區成員幫派勾結用以針對攻擊恐嚇受害人的手段。有組織的幫派集體跟蹤人數可以數以千計,廿四小時不斷跟蹤受害人。跟蹤者會步行、駕車、騎單車、甚至空中監視去離間孤立受害人,目的是激怒受害者去攻擊他人從而導致犯法被捕; 令受害人被誤會有幻覺或神經失常; 使受害人因抑鬱而有自殺傾向或念頭。攻擊者之手法是沒完沒了滅絕人性的,包括種族歧事的騷擾襲擊,噪音騷擾,污染空氣(故意在受害人周圍點煙抽煙或製造有毒氣體),傳媒恐嚇做恐嚇騷擾或攻擊性之手勢動作,監視家居,辦工室及車內電子儀器(例如電腦、電話等;嚴重侵犯私隱,將電話轉接,電郵轉寄,郵件轉寄),辦公室集體欺壓,用針對受害人之對話作出言語攻擊用以告知他正在被監視令他受到滋擾,諷刺,在他周圍飄忽挑釁地駕駛,在社區做出不正常不禮貌欺凌的行為等,數之不盡。很多時候警方甚至消防人員都是跟蹤恐嚇的一份子,使受害人感到求助無援亦都很難證實。這是極端嚴重之罪行,而這罪行變得越來越普遍,有絕對必要立法禁止。

Note: Cointelpro = Counter Intelligence Program = 反情報計劃

Psychotronic Torture/ Electronic Harassment/ Targeted Individual

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