Tuesday, July 26, 2022


We have some long lasting sausages for sale here. They are supposed to smell good. 

Monday, July 18, 2022


 如果合成日日都有好多好多生意就好喇! 天父啊,求祢幫吓忙啦! 奉主耶稣基督之名祈求,誠心所願。

I hope that Goodyear will have lots of good businesses everyday. Dear Heavenly Father, please help us. In Jesus Christ Mighty Name I pray, Amen.


The enemies continue to add itchy bites on my body around and inside my bra covered area using the psychotronic weapons and/or witchcraft. The day before yesterday they put a big bite on my neck. There was no mosquito around. The fake bites leave spots on my body after they are healed. Last night they moved my feet and disturbed my sleep using the psychotronic weapons/ witchcraft. Please ask God to stop them from controlling my body and heal my skin so that I can have smooth and  clear skin again. Please pray hard for me against my enemies. Thank you dear brothers and sisters in Christ. May God bless you and your families.

Monday, July 11, 2022


Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, the enemies have been using  psychotronic weapons and/or witchcrafts to put whole bunch of itchy bites on my body especially the covered areas. Please pray that God will stop them. Please also pray that God will remove the bite marks and heal my body. Thank you and God bless.