Thursday, July 18, 2019


Last night some attackers contracted my uterus vigorously
It hurt so bad that I had to pray and leave my bed urgently
I  thought  that they tried to ruin my chance to have babies
I asked God to stop the pain the attackers caused remotely
I negotiated with God why did He allow such evil activity
This nonsense had been cursing for over two years' history
I  said  that He was righteous and He handled things justly
I asked why were they allowed to hurt His daughter freely
Why  were they allowed to hurt innocent people randomly
We could not even defend ourselves from such technology
Why the technologies were even allowed to exist currently
I asked God to eliminate them from universe to deliver me
I was not related to them nor did anything to them wrongly
The attackers did not have any right to manipulate my body
They violated my human rights by invading into my privacy
They were thieves when they stole my information constantly
Murderers when they were intentionally remotely hurting me
Why did they not have bad consequence after they injured me
And no one could figure out who and where they were exactly 
I struggled for half an hour then I started sleeping on my belly
A minute later the pain was slowly shifted to my right kidney
I heard a voice but I could not figure out all the words exactly
Eventually the pain was softened and it disappeared gradually

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