Friday, July 12, 2019


我不算周遊列國   但我應該有知覺
曾居住不同角落   五個國家去摸索
香港煙味最明確   朋友初來港工作
問他有沒有發覺   他說家是無煙國
為何香港此運作   我答可能因祖國
曾用痰罐會各國   抽着煙背後操作
年過八十仍工作   萬中無一男主角
祖國愛迷離撲朔   煙草商賺錢為樂
煙民不相信科學   仍信吸煙有收獲
繼續抽煙將命搏   港人一向愛祖國
領導精神願意學   一條心香港中國
萬萬歲香港中國   中華人民共和國
I do not think of myself a traveler
However I am a common sensor
I have lived in different corners
5-country survivor and explorer
HK has the worst cigarette odor
Friend came to HK as a worker
I told him all about the smokers
He could not understand HKers
He said home had non-smokers
I said it maybe because of China
Sputum  buckets  before leaders
Back stage leaders and smokers
The 80 year old powerful elders
The chances were slim to never
Mainland has a lot of dreamers
They love a smoky atmosphere
Tobacco businesses the earners
Smoking science non-believers
Believe smokers are all getters
Persist as the cigarette inhalers
Sacrifice their lives for cancers
Hong Kongers the China lovers
Love to learn from our officers
We  are One Hong Kong China
Long  life to Hong Kong China
The People's Republic of China

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