Wednesday, July 1, 2020


我住嘅地方我冇自由選擇,無論我揾到幾好幾抵嘅單位我親愛嘅爸爸都會用唔喺理由嘅理由拒絕,不擇手段甚至講大話,仲要嚮人哋面前踐踏我嘅選擇,仲要大大聲話一定要我親愛嘅弟弟搵同做決定,佢唔記得我依家住咁多問題嘅地方都喺佢嘅決定,問都冇問我簽曬約交曬上期同租就搬咗我入去,我父親仲要賴我話我唔應該搬入去,而我親愛嘅弟弟話叫我唔好發夢,既然我冇錢就要聽曬佢話,而我親愛嘅爸爸就俾咗筆錢俾我弟弟"幫我",我話俾佢聽啲看更通風報訊夾埋啲鄰居同外人爆我格,我弟弟都話啲看更信唔過但喺我父親堅持要有看更,個原因喺佢俾好多錢交管理費,我自己去睇單位有人故意撞傷我隻腳,啲街坊話我抵死因為我唔聽我弟弟話。香港人唔俾我做嘢等我困死同俾人控制住,問學校嘢佢哋睬都唔睬我仲話想趕我出個program, ,佢哋應該唔記得我之前已經交咗好多錢學費,叫佢哋澄清佢哋唔回應,好可能就喺因為我學校多年嚟咁對我搞到我變窮光蛋之餘仲搞到冇人信我。啲電子攻擊撒旦教徒同撒旦助手傷我身體,嚮我身上加嘢減嘢留疤痕整痛我偷我資料24小時監察我將我私人生活資料公開宣佈偷錢偷嘢爆格破壞我財物陷害我破壞我名譽等我冇工開仲想呃我俾唔出嘅錢。佢哋嚮2004年已經開始集體跟蹤我同偷我公開我資料,到現在仍然繼續。
I cannot choose my own living place, no matter how good my choice is, my beloved father uses some unreasonable reasons to ban it, he tries everything and even lies in order to achieve that purpose. He steps on my decisions in front of people, and said it loudly that my beloved younger brother has to be the one who finds it and makes the decision. My father forgets that the problematic place I am living currently is also my brother's decision. My brother did not even ask me, signed the contract and used my dad's money to pay for the deposits and rents and just moved me in. My dad blamed on me that I should not have moved in at the first place. My beloved brother told me not to dream about making my own choice. He said, "because you do not have money you have to listen to me."  And my dad gave my brother certain amount of money to "help me". I told them the security guard had been watching over for and passed along the messages to my neighbors and strangers so that they could break into my place. Even my brother said those security guards were not trustworthy. But my dad insists that the place I am going to live has to have security guards in the building, the reason is he always pays lots of building management fees for that. I walked to look at some of the apartments myself and someone purposely crashed a wheelchair into me and hurt my foot, people in the neighborhood said I deserved the injuries because I did not listen to my brother. Hong Kongers do not allow me to work in order to trap and control me. When I acquired information from my school, they totally ignored me and even told me they wanted to kick me out of the program, they forgot that I already paid them lots of money for tuition. I asked them to clarify, they did not even reply. It must be because of my school treating me like that for years, I have become so broke and nobody even trusts me. Psychotronic weapons, satan, satanists and satan's helpers hurt my body, add and take away things from my body, leave scars, induce pain, steal my information, monitor me 24/7, expose my private life and information, steal my money and belongings, break into my place, damage and destroy my belongings, slander me, frame me, ruin my reputation so that I do not even have a job, people even try to trick me to pay something that I cannot afford. Since 2004, the gang-stalking, stealing and publicizing of my information have already started and they are still happening as of today.

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