Wednesday, October 28, 2020


 Vicarius Filii Dei 666?

Ellen Gould White 666?

Ellen Gould Harmon White 1666?

你哋自己拆掂佢嘞, 一齊,再一次。

Maybe you guys should figure it out among yourself, together, one more time. 

Note: Why does U has to be counted as V? Why does woman have to get rid of her last name after she get married? Well, it is her father's last name anyway, a father is a man, so who cares?

備註: 點解U要當V計炙?點解女人結婚之後連自己個姓都冇埋炙?不過。。。扯,都喺老豆個姓之嘛,老豆咪又喺男人,我話知你吖。

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