Friday, October 16, 2020


My right shoulder has been sore when I raise my head and turn it to the right since last night after someone squeezed it really hard. My right hand fingers hurt when I lift two boxes of perfume or even just a tissue box. I think that they might have hurt my nerves. Please pray that God will heal it as well as the wounds on my face without leaving a scar. Both injuries were caused by the same group of people. They told me the wounds on my face were supposed to be healed in 4 days but now it has been over a month, the wound and scars are still there. Today, I went to the same place and asked them to refund what I have paid because I am afraid that if I keep on going they will hurt my body more and I will be completely handicapped by them, they refused to do the refund. I paid them before because they said there were some bumps on my face that would keep growing and they absorbed all the nutrients from the surrounding on my face. They wanted me to pay thousands of dollars for a package in order to fix them. Afterward I found out the bumps were only fat grains. And after they so called fixed some of them, there were and are still scars on my face. I wrote down the complaints and they asked me to go into a room, they had two girls yelled and cussed at me, one of them stuck her face really closed to mine and yelled while the other one held up a clipboard pointed the corner of it at my face acted like she wanted to hit me with that. They did not even give me  a chance to talk, every time I talked they yelled louder than me and said that I am mentally ill. I think after they hurt my face and my nerves, this time they tried to hurt my voice as well. I went there only twice before, they hurt my face, tricked my money the first time and might have caused permanent damages on my nerves the second time. That is why I know that they tricked my money and hurt my body on purpose. They pretended to care during the appointment, but they did not even apologize for my injuries, but harassed me and tried to hurt me more. It shows that they do not care about their customers and all they care is money. They have strong cigarette smells right outside of their place within the building both times I went there. So they are even breaking the law by smoking indoor. Please pray for my healings and God will do something to restore and compensate for what I have lost, in Jesus Christ Mighty Name. Thank you.  

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