Thursday, December 9, 2021


Yesterday as I was talking to someone about how people used he satanic psychotronic weapon  to hurt my body, I suddenly felt dizzy, light headed and nauseous. So I had to cut off the conversation and sit down. But sitting down did not help, So I had to lie down on the couch to allow more blood pumping into my brain. And a few moments later, I was alright. My systolic blood pressure was 90 in the morning, I did not have breakfast (I had some dry prunes my dad got me though,so low blood sugar should not be the cause) and the satanic weapon attacks might also cause my problem. The interesting thing is the staff wanted me to sit up straight. When I asked whether I could take rest in bed (the bedroom was locked), he did not answer me, he just said I had to sit up straight. And all of a sudden  the other older guy "joined" the conversation by saying that I said I was okay.  I said I need to lie down to take rest for my dizziness while the old guy who did not know me twisted the truth that  was telling the staff. It seems like they like to cover up anything negative that happens here.

可能喺裁多身子弱,越被裁就越弱,因為負擔唔起買補品。見醫生同買藥 (我入院前喺無需食藥嘅,依家每日都要食成喳藥) 交租交通費交學費考試練習都喺錢,再喺冇工開點算好?

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