Saturday, February 26, 2022


Posted 21-08-2019
感謝上帝令我上星期四因電子襲擊而暈倒所撞傷的頭部腫塊已逐漸消腫,傷口也開始結疤, 膝蓋也開始散瘀,尾龍骨右邊位置都撞腫了, 但沒有之前那樣痛, 舌頭也不痛了。感謝祂把我的 命保住了, 但求上帝繼續把那邪惡力量與我及所有人隔絕。請為所有受害者繼續祈禱,謝謝。

I got this bump and mole on my left hand since 2017,  I could not even do push up because I was in pain. We prayed and the bump went away once. After I shared the testimony, it came back on the next day. I also posted it on the other blog, however, it was deleted by an unknown person.

I had this induced mole on my right thigh since 2017. I never had this mole before and it suddenly grew so big within months. Around the same time, there was also another big one above it growing and recently I found a third one grew in between the two. And another big one grew on my left thigh above my knee. They also hurt my skin on my face since March 2017. One time they gave me swollen nose, the other time they put induced pimple like things on my face and my whole face eventually became so bumpy that even my friend realized it. They also put pustles on my face, arms, legs and feet. And one time they put a scratch on my face (5cm) remotely and the back of my right shoulder. Many many times, I was in severe waves of induced pain on the left side of my body, kidneys, ovaries, teeth etc. I have been raped electronically almost every single day. Many days, they gave me itches, sleep deprivation and constantly stealing my personal information. I called the police in that country I was in and even went to the local police station for at least five times, and they could not do anything. I asked them to contact police across the nation or even FBI to figure out this problem and solve it. Still nothing was happening. It was before I came back to Hong Kong. I sent those pictures to my family and that was the reason my family came twice within 3 months, bought the ticket and brought me back to Hong Kong in July 2018. I have been experiencing gang-stalking since 2004 and this remote attacks since 2017 everywhere I went to in the world (5 different countries). During this 15 years, other than this remote attacks, my properties have been ruined, I got robbed, things and money got stolen, got physically attacked on the street by strangers etc. That is my true on going story. Please pray to God in the Name of Jesus Christ that this satanic technological scheme (psychotronic torture/ gang stalking/ experiment) to be eliminated from the universe. And please ask God to deal with the sinners who have been using this scheme to harm people His Way. If possible, please take action, God's way, to solve this global problem. Thank you very much. 

All this on going personal experience makes me think of gang activities, genocide, war crimes, concentration camps, and different countries using foreigners to do experiments. The attackers lots of times do not even act like human beings. It is absolutely anti-human rights, severe invasion of privacy, inhumane, unethical, cold blooded and satanic.

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