Saturday, October 26, 2019


The stalkers said they were trying to help but instead they were just trying to steal my information, take advantage of me and ruin my life. They do not know what are privacy and human rights, they steal, rob and molest. Their moral standard is so low that I do not even know whether it exists in their minds. They trick peoples' money, trick their labor times without paying, and steal their information to commit crimes. They even move to where I live and become my thief-disturbing-neighbors. They ruin my career, hurt my body, disturb me with noises and constant monitoring of my private life, ruin my reputation. There were once they even said that I do not know what I need. I should donate everything to them so that "God" can manage the resources and redistribute them to me according to what I need. Then why did God give me those resources at the first place? The whole scheme is plainly satanic and evil. They want to ruin God's Name. 

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