Sunday, October 20, 2019


阿仔, 都喺媽媽唔好,要你咁耐都出唔到世! 書又讀唔成, 又俾學校㩒住嚟呃錢, 又冇嘢做, 仲要生活喺個咁嘅環境咁嘅世代。連啲鄰居都喺度攪騷擾, 仲要加埋精神電子虐待, 冇人識得點解決, 我唔可以俾你生活喺個咁嘅境況咖, 原諒媽媽。
Sorry son, it's my fault that you still can't come out to see this world. I can't finish school, keep letting my school to trick my money, I am unemployed and still live in such an environment and time. Even the neighbors continuously mock us and disturb us. And the psychotronic torture is still going on and no one know how to fix it. I can't let you live like this. Forgive me.

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