Friday, October 4, 2019


咁戴豬咀算唔算呀? 保護自己受催淚煙,胡椒噴霧,甚至二手煙算唔算醫學健康理由呀?不如立埋禁催淚煙法,禁胡椒噴霧同全面禁煙法(禁有毒氣體法)啦 ,如果唔喺我哋未連維持健康同生存權利都冇囉。
How to define medical reasons? Is protecting ourselves from tear gas, pepper spray or even second hand smoke considered medical reason? Do you think we should ban tear gas, pepper spray and even tobacco (Toxic Gas Ban)? Otherwise we probably will lose our rights to protect our health or even lives.

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