Monday, July 13, 2020


姑婆要改做姑娘,嘅善良又有十個口,有絕對嘅能力咬死或鬧死你,單身女性之間要互相照應,正所謂團結就是食量。仲有我哋唔嫁喺自選動作,難度5.0,向前轉體三周半向後轉體四周半向外翻騰五周半再向內翻騰六周半然後插水仲要一啲水花都冇,你哋啲男人做唔到嫁嘞! 仲有剩女嗰啲Term唔該改一改叫盛女,興盛盛放嘅女子,生命精釆唔受男人虐束,講完。
Single ladies have to support one another
We are single by choice and not left over
All men need us ladies to be their lovers
Or else they are going to be game over
We have the abilities to screw men over
And we do not need men to live forever
God is the kingdom power and glory forever

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