Monday, July 13, 2020


個Commedian話:「咦! 好衰嫁! 做咩笑人哋噃!.....笑夠未呀?你哋識唔識得尊重人嫁?......有咩咁好笑炙?好停喇喎,一個人容忍喺有限度嫁噃.....」 然後掟咪仲發曬脾四紅都面曬咁衝咗入後台。啲觀眾結果喺台上冇人嘅情況下再不停咁喪笑多個鯪兩個鐘直至散場。
The comedian said,'You guys are rude! Stop laughing at me! That's not funny!....Can you jerks show some respects?..... ,'  Then his whole face turned red, he started tearing up and rushed backstage. The audiences ended up laughing for another two hours non-stop until the end of the show with nobody on stage.

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