Friday, July 3, 2020


為咗防暴,我決定同自己起個字頭叫"肥妹", 專收肥靚妹, 嚇走曬啲男人,連劈友都慳番呀!仲可以慳埋買槍買其他架撐嘅錢同湯藥費添。得閒又可以約埋出嚟一齊煮吓飯仔開吓大食會發吓肉咁都唔知幾FREE呀。。。我哋將自己長到咁大都喺為咗自衛嗟。
In order to work against violence, I have decided to start a gang called "Fat Gal" and recruit fat gals, So we can scare the men away with our presences only and save the fights. We can even save the budgets on guns,  weapons and medical bills. When we have time we can cook, feast and grow even bigger together for self defense purposes. It sounds like a very good plan.

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