Wednesday, October 7, 2020


我識得有個 Tiffany 做社工嘅,宜家先發現佢開咗間咁大嘅公司,又賣香水又出珠寶首飾又出皮具,社工只喺佢嘅副業炙。我宜家好妒忌呀,咁點先? 吓? 補償我呀! 妳個臭八婆! Tiffany 疴啲乜叉Parfum呀? 吓?合成離譜到六折又點呀,我偏唔買額,妳吹牙!
I know a Tiffany who is a social worker. And I just find out that she has opened a big company like this, name brand of perfumes, jewelries, handbags and stuff. Now I am jealous. I think this extremely unfair to me. What are you going to do to compensate for "my lost"? Huh? You bxtch! I do not care whatever Tiffany Eau de fxcking Parfum is? You owe me! Big time!!! Goodyear has your products 40% off? I am not going to buy them no matter what. Now what?

Goodyear Perfume Centre & Pharmacy


HK Branch: 12 Cameron Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon

1/F Grand Right Centre, 10 Cameron Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon



Tel: (852) 2369 3318

Fax: (852) 2369 0608

Macau Branch: 8 Travessa De S. Domingos, Macau


Tel: (853) 2831 2267

Fax: (853) 2831 2274



That's too much!!! You must have some weaknesses,  let me dig up your dirt.

Alcohol denat. Parfum/ Fragrance, Aqua/Water/Eau

Ethylhexyl Methoxycinnamate

A clear, oil-soluble, "cosmetically-elegant" liquid that is the most commonly used chemical sunscreen. It absorbs UVB radiation (at wavelengths: 280-320 nm) with a peak protection at 310nm. It only protects against UVB and not UVA rays (the 320-400 nm range) – so always choose products that contain other sunscreens too. It is not very stable either, when exposed to sunlight, it kind of breaks down and loses its effectiveness (not instantly, but over time - it loses 10% of its SPF protection ability within 35 mins). Ethylhexyl  is considered "safe as used" (and sunscreens are pretty well regulated) and it is available worldwide (can be used up to 10% in the EU and up to 7.5% in the US) (INCI).



Limonene is a colorless liquid aliphatic hydrocarbon classified as a cyclic monoterpene, and is the major component in the oil of citrus fruit peels (Wikipedia). It has been shown to possess anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-stress, and possibly disease-preventing properties (Healthline).


Benzyl Benzoate

Benzyl benzoate is an active substance in Peruvian and Tulu balsams as well as other essential oils. It is also produced synthetically and is formulated as a liquid, emulsion, or lotion. Benzyl benzoate remains one of the most commonly  prescribed agents for scabies in many parts of the world. Benzyl benzoate is not available in the US or Canada. Use can be complicated by allergic contact dermatitis, and benzyl benzoate should not be used during pregnancy, in lactating women, in infants, or in children younger than 2 years because of the risk for neurotoxicity (Sciencedirect).
Benzyl benzoate 是秘魯及圖陸(邊度嚟嫁?)香膏及其他香精油嘅一種活躍成份,它亦可以是人工製造的材料,用以生產液體,乳化液或潤膚露。它是全世界很多地方最常用來治療疥瘡的藥物之一。此成份在美國及加拿大是沒有供應的,它有可能引致接觸性皮膚炎。孕婦,正餵母乳的婦女,嬰兒,兩歲或以下的兒童都不適合用含此成份的產品,因為有影響神經系統的可能性。

Hexyl Cinnamal

Hexyl cinnamal (also known as hexyl cinnamic aldehyde) is a pale yellow to colourless liquid. It is a synthetic organic compound that resembles the naturally occurring, spicy cinnamic aldehyde, but it possesses a subtler, floral character (Lush Fresh Handmade Cosmetics)

Hexyl Cinnamal是淡黃至無色的液體,它是人造有機化合物,跟天然辣肉桂醛相似,但有暗淡的花香。


Benzophenone-3 (BP-3) is a naturally occurring chemical found in some flowering plants. BP-3 absorbs and scatters the sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays. For this reason, it is produced for use as sunscreen in lotions, conditioners, and cosmetics. BP-3 also is used in plastic products to block and prevent UV rays from altering the plastic and the contents inside. (CDC)

Benzophenone-3 是一種天然存在於有花植物內的化學物質。它吸收及分散太陽有害的紫外線,因為這特質,Benzophenone-3被用作潤膚露,護髮素及化妝品的防曬成份,它亦被用作塑膠內阻擋及防止紫外線令塑膠及塑膠容器內所盛載的東西變質的一種成份。

Ethylhexyl salicylate

A colorless to light yellowish oily liquid that works as a UVB (280-320nm) sunscreen filter with a peak absorbance at 306 nm. It's not a strong filter in itself, it's always used in combination with other sunscreen agents to further enhance the SPF and to solubilize other solid UV filters. It has a good safety profile and is allowed to be used at a max concentration of 5% both in the US and in Europe (10% is allowed in Japan). (

Ethylhexyl salicylate是一種由無色至淡黄色的油性液體用作防紫外線B(280-320nm)的防曬用途。Ethylhexyl salicylate 以吸收紫外線波長306nm的能力最強。它本身並不是很強的紫外線過濾成份,通常需要與其他防曬成份並用以加強日光防護系數及溶解其他固體防曬物質。它是一種很安全的成份,在美國及歐洲Ethylhexyl salicylate在產品內之含量可達至5%(在日本更可高至10%)。

Butyl Methoxydibenzoylmethane

It is used in the formulation of SUN PROTECTION PRODUCTS, as well as bath, skin, cleansing, hair, nail and fragrance products. In the United States, when this ingredient is used in SUN PROTECTION PRODUCTS, it will be listed on the label as Avobenzone.


Butyl Methoxydibenzoylmethane是防曬產品的一種成份,它亦是浸浴,皮膚護理,個人衞生,頭髮護理,指甲及香薰產品的成份之一。


Citronellol, or dihydrogeraniol, is a natural acyclic monoterpenoid. Both enantiomers occur in nature. (+)-Citronellol, which is found in citronella oils, including Cymbopogon nardus (50%), is the more common isomer. (−)-Citronellol is found in the oils of rose (18–55%) and Pelargonium geraniums (Wikipedia). Citronellol is a colorless oily liquid usually present in the essential oils of Citronella oil, Geranium, Muscatel sage and Sandalwood. The essential oils of Rose, Lemongrass, Tagetes, Neroli, Chamomile, Basil and Lavender also constitutes of Citronellol. It has also been found that Citronellol is a volatile component of orange juice, bilberry, lemon peel oil, guava, red wine, nutmeg, white wine, black tea, green tea, mango, plum brandy and star anise.   Citronellol is a pale viscous liquid with a sweet floral aroma of rose and owns a bitter taste. It possesses a floral rosy and fresh citrus flavor. It is used as a fragrance enhancer in perfumery as it enhances the fragrances of floral types, especially rose. Because of its aroma and flavour, it is used in cosmetics soaps, shampoos, moisturizers, skin and hair care products, colognes, shaving creams, after shave lotion and bath products. It is used in beverages for its flavor. Citronellol has antimicrobial, antifungal, antispasmodic and anticonvulsant activities.   (THERAPEUTIC BENEFITS OF CITRONELLOL).
香茅醇是一種天然有機化合物,存在於多種植物精油以及一些水果中,屬於類萜。其兩種對映異構體在自然界中均有分布:R--香茅醇, 存在於香茅油 ;而S-香茅醇存在於薔薇屬植物中,以及天竺葵屬植物等(維基百科)。它有着玫瑰花,柑橘味道,它能提升香水中花香, 特別是玫瑰。Citronellol 有防菌,防真菌,抗痙攣,抗驚厥之功效。

Alpha Isomethyl Ionone

Alpha-isomethyl ionone (or Methyl Ionone) is a colorless fragrance material with a powdery, woody and floral scent, very similar to violet and orris. (INGREDIENT Alpha-Isomethyl Ionone by Lush). It maybe a potential skin irritant to small number of people. If you are not sure, ask a physician.
Alpha Isomethyl Ionone 是一種粉狀無色的香芬材料。它帶有木香及花香, 氣味跟紫羅蘭及黛尾花相似。此成份有可能對少數人做成皮膚敏感,如有疑問請向醫生查詢。


Like most botanical terpenes, Linalool is not specific to any one plant. You've no doubt encountered linalool if you've ever smelled lavender, either fresh, dried, or in the form of an essential oil. Linalool can be found in upwards of 200 plants, ranging from:  
Lamiaceae (lavender, mints, scented herbs),Lauraceae (laurels,cinnamon, rosewood),Rutaceae (citrus fruits),FungiBirch trees. Linalool has a floral aroma similar to lavender with a touch of spiciness that lends to its many commercial applications in creams and oils. Linalool is an Anti-Inflammatory and Pain Reducer: Linalool is useful for dampening overractive responses to injury or sickness; an Anti-Epileptic:  Linalool is "very powerful in it's anticonvulsant quality", a stress Reducer: Linalool inhalation has been shown to act as an anxiolytic (anxiety reducer) and may boost immune system performance; a Vampire Deterrent: Linalool can deter mosquitos with 93% efficiency;a Sedative: Linalool can improve sleep and increase energy the following morning; an Anti-Microbial Modulator: Linalool may improve anti-microbial properties. Linalool can have cytotoxic effects by inducing cells to undergo apoptosis and triggering cell death. The majority of studies pertaining to the monoterpenoid linalool are typically focused on its capacity to suppress microorganisms, with few having endeavored to research aspects of its ANTI-CANCER activity. Linalool offers tremendous potential in terms of treating cancer and immunity. We believe that this substance can substantially ENHANCE TUMOR TREATMENTS and provide novel starting points for FUTURE CANCER RESEARCHES.
Linalool 可舒緩減壓,抗癫癇症,防炎止痛,殺菌驅蚊,更可以治病同防癌。

BHT (Butylated Hydroxytoluene)

BHT  is a lab-made chemical that is added to foods as a preservative. People also use it as medicine. BHT is used to treat genital herpes and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Some people apply BHT directly to the skin for cold sores. BHT is an antioxidant. It may damage the protective outer layer of viral cells. This may keep the viruses from multiplying and/or doing more damage ( WebMD). There’s evidence that suggests that BHT mimics estrogen, meaning it could compete with the estrogen in your body for binding sites, potentially throwing off your hormone balance. This is a problem fo0r both men and women. In some situations BHT can also promote the growth of tumors. BHT bioaccumulates in the body over time, so even a product that contains a miniscule amount can cause harm in the long run. And it is not just used as an perfume, you’ll find BHT in makeup, skin care, diaper cream, even food! Fatty food products like chips, baked goods, butter, meat, and vegetable oils often have BHT added to prolong their shelf life ( 5 Perfume Ingredients that Can Affect Your Hormones By Amanda Ramos). 

BHT 是一種加在食物中防腐的化合物。它也有醫藥用途,BHT 可用作治療生殖器疱疹及愛滋病。亦有人將BHT塗在皮膚上治療唇疱疹。BHT是抗氧化劑。它破病毒的外在保護層,這有助防止病毒繁殖或做成更大的傷害。有證據顯示BHT與雌激素構造相似,可與雌激素競爭結合位,有可能引致賀爾蒙失去平衡,對男性及女性都有影響。在某情況下,BHT甚至會有助腫瘤生長。BHT會在身體內積存,即使每次吸收極少量長遠來說都是對身體有害的。BHT在一些香水,化妝品,護膚品,嬰兒尿布疹霜及食品內都可以找到。一些高脂食品例如薯片,糕餅焙烤食品,牛油,肉類,植物油都加有BHT去延長有效期。


Hydroxycitronellal is a synthetic fragrance that is widely used in many cosmetics and hygiene (no wonder I don't know what that is! Sor dus ne...) products such as deodorants soaps, antiseptics, and other household items. It has the smell of lilac, lily, and lily of the valley. Hydroxycitronellal has also been shown to be a dermatologic irritant and allergen, and as a result commercially available products are restricted by the International Fragrance Association (IFRA) to contain only 0.1-3.6%. Sensitivity to hydroxycitronellal may be identified with a clinical patch test (Drugbank)

Hydroxycitronellal是人造的香薰,它被廣泛用作化妝品,個人衛生(唔怪得我唔識啦!) 用品當中例如止汗劑,香梘,消毒劑,及其他家居用品等等。Hydroxycitronellal 帶有丁香屬,百合花及鈐蘭的香味。但它有可能引致皮膚敏感,因此IFRA規定巿面上商品咔其含量只限於0.1-3.6%。對此成份敏感與否可透過藥物貼膚測試驗證。


It is a monoterpenoid and an alcohol. It is one of the 200 terpenes produced by the cannabis genome. It is the primary component of rose oil, palmarosa oil, and citronella oil (Understanding Terpenes: Geranioland Wikipedia). It has potential efficacy for major diseases like cancer and diabetes and conditions such as pain, inflammation, and bacterial infections. The anti-inflammatory powers of geraniol make it an effective element in the fight against a variety of diseases based in or strongly characterized by this condition. This includes arthritis, fibromyalgia, and multiple sclerosis. Geraniol has also demonstrated efficacy against hyperglycemia, fungal infections, and ulcers. Its proven antioxidant and neuroprotective properties mean that it may be an effective tool against diseases such as Alzheimers and Parkinsons. (Understanding Terpenes: Geraniol)



Well...alcohol, you know.....come and get drunk with me babea


Tris (Tetramethylpiperidinol)

A synthetic mastication agent, light stabilizer and also can be used as an intermediate for a variety of products: medicines, bleaching agents, polymerization inhibitors and epoxy resin cross linking agent. (

人做的嘴嚼劑(e.g幫助口水分泌), 抗光劑,亦是製造醫藥,漂白剝,防止聚合作用劑熱固性環氧化物聚合物的中間體。


A key intermediate in metabolism. It is an acid compound found in citrus fruits. The salts of citric acid (citrates) can be used as anticoagulants due to their calcium chelating ability. (

檸檬酸鹽是新陳代謝過程的中間體,是柑橘屬水果的酸性化合物,檸檬酸的鹽有鈣 螯合作用因此可用作防凝固劑用途。

Benzyl Salicylate

Benzyl Salicylate is a clear colorless liquid with a sweet floral aroma. It is a sweet, balsam, and clean tasting compound that can be found in cloves and herbs and spices (Pubchem)In cosmetics and personal care products, Benzyl Salicylate is used in the formulation of bath products, bubble baths, cleansing products, hair care products, makeup, moisturizers, perfumes and colognes, shampoos, skin care products and suntan products. Benzyl Salicylate is used as a fragrant ingredient and ultraviolet light absorber, i.e. sunblock. (THE SCIENCE & SAFETY BEHIND YOUR FAVORITE PRODUCTS)

Benzyl Salicylate 是一種含有花香的透明無顏色液體。它是丁子香,香草,香辛料的其中一種成份。在化妝用品及個人用品當中,它是製造沫浸浴 產品,泡泡浴,個人清潔,頭髮護理,化妝品,潤膚產品,香水,古龍水,洗髮水,護膚品及防曬用品的一種材料。Benzyl Salicylate的作用是作為香薰材料及防曬用途。

Citric Acid

A key intermediate in metabolism. It is an acid compound found in citrus fruits. The salts of citric acid (citrates) can be used as anticoagulants due to their calcium chelating ability. (

檸檬酸鹽是新陳代謝過程的中間體,是柑橘屬水果的酸性化合物,檸檬酸的鹽有鈣 螯合作用因此可用作防凝固劑用途。


Farnesol is a mild, sweet, and angelica tasting compound that can be found in a number of food items such as tea, ginger, lemon grass, and sweet basil (Pubchem/Farnesol).


Benzyl Alcohol

Its chief function in cosmetics is as a preservative, and it's among the least sensitizing preservatives in use. High amounts of benzyl alcohol can impart a noticeable floral-like scent to products, as it is part of the fragrance makeup of some essential oils such as jasmine.(Byrdie)

化妝品內Benzyl Alcohol是用作防腐劑,它是引致最低敏感反應的防腐物質之一。如果大劑量應用會散發明顯的花香,它是一些香精油例如茉莉香精油的成份之一。

Propylene glycol

Propylene glycol is a synthetic liquid substance that absorbs water. It is used by the chemical, food, and pharmaceutical industries as an antifreeze when leakage might lead to contact with food. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has classified propylene glycol as an additive that is "generally recognized as safe" for use in food. It is used to absorb extra water and maintain moisture in certain medicines, cosmetics, or food products. It is a solvent for food colors and flavors, and in the paint and plastics industries. (atsdr.cdc)

Propylene glycol是人造的液熊物質,有吸水作用。它在化學,食品,藥劑製造業中是用作防凍劑的,尤其是當洩漏時會與食物接觸。FDA將Propylenr glycol 定為在正常情況下可安全使用於食品當中的物質。它在醫藥,化妝品及食品當中是用來維持濕度及吸收多餘水份的。它亦是食物色素調味料,油漆及塑膠業的一種溶劑。

Acrylates/Octylacrylamide copolymer

It is used in cosmetics as a texture enhancer, binder, and film-forming agent. A large group of acrylates copolymers, has been extensively studied and deemed safe for use in cosmetic products “when formulated to avoid irritation”. ( is a film forming polymer that adds water-resistance to creams, sunscreen and mascara, it provides water-proof protection and thickening properties depending on the formula. Due to inherent moisture resistance it can be used in waterproof sunscreens and a variety of protective creams and lotions (

在化妝美容產品內是質感提升劑及,黏合劑及成膜劑。多種的Acrylate Copolymers已被證實可以安全使用於防止敏感產品的美容產品內。它是有防水功能的成膜劑,加進潤膚膏,防曬產品及睫毛液內,可以增加防水保護或增厚質感,它適用於製造不同的防水防曬產品護膚膏及護膚露當中。

Hydrolyzed Jojoba Ester

Natural ingredients derived from the seeds of the desert shrub, Simmondsia chinensis. Synthetic Jojoba Oil is mixture of wax esters of fatty acids and alcohols that is indistinguishable from natural jojoba oil with regard to chemical composition and physical characteristics. It can be used as a emulsifier,  a thickening agent in hair conditioner and skin conditioner. (

Hydrolyzed Jojoba Ester 是天然沙漠植物荷荷巴的種籽提煉出來的,人造的 Jojoba Oil 是臘酯,脂肪酸及酒精混合而成,它跟天然的荷荷巴油在物理及化學特質上沒有分別。它可用作乳化劑,增加厚感,被用於護髮素護膚品當中。

Ext. D&C violet No. 2 (CI60730)

A vivid mid-violet water dispersible pigment. Alkali stable. Colour approved by FDA for use in cosmetics: external use only. (

鮮豔中度紫色水溶性的色素。對鹼的反應是穩定的。獲FDA 認可用於美容產品當中,只適合外用。

FD&C Blue No. 1 (CI42090)

Pigment,  greenish blue or bright blue, Food Drug and Cosmetic Act approved to be used as dyes for food, medicines, and cosmetics. It is safe to use but it is not guaranteed for not inducing skin irritation. 

色料,外觀呈綠藍色/亮藍色,經美國聯邦食品藥物和化妝品法案(Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act)核可,代表此染料可用於食物(Food)、藥物(Drug)及化妝品(Cosmetics)上。安全無虞,但並非保證不會造成肌膚刺激。(

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