Saturday, October 10, 2020


如果您未用過名牌香水,可以試吓,當搓手液酒精咁用,殺菌殺病毒,仲香噴噴添。我哋有菇慈搓手液,法拉利搓手液,百加利。。。寶格麗搓手液,迪奧搓手液, 香奈兒搓手液,嬌蘭搓手液, 亞曼尼搓手液,繆繆搓手液, 蔻依搓手液, 士尼公主搓手液,Hello Kitty香水搓手液等等,應有盡有,確保名廠正貨,大部份都有買一送一優惠。唔想買咁大支亦可以平上加平咁買支BB香水。。。搓手液玩吓,BB香水搓手液嚮合成買滿$100就有八折。我自己就除咗香之外,仲因為佢哋啲樽好精緻,放嚮屋企當擺設都得。香水最少可以存放三年,慢慢用耐唔耐用吓都冇所謂。以前耶稣嗰個年代都有用嫁,記唔記得嗰個女人將香油膏塗抹喺耶稣對腳度(路加福音七章)?個女人雖然喺個罪人,但喺耶稣寬恕咗佢嘅罪,仲公開讚揚佢添。高質素嘅香水搓手液好珍貴嫁,用咗唔知幾多千百朵花同植物提煉出嚟嫁耶,送禮自用都夠曬體面,如果要送禮物俾您嘅另一半,除咗珠寶手首飾之外,可以考慮送香水,包裝又美觀,內容又豐富,有好多都有對健康有益嘅成份嚮裏面嫁,有啲會鬆弛神經,有啲會令人精神為之一振嫁,有啲有防曬成份, 有啲成份甚至可以防癌嫁,您哋都嚟試吓啦。


If you have never used perfume before, you can try it now. Use it as hand sanitizer or alcohol to kill bacteria and viruses, plus it smells good. We have Gucci hand sanitizers, Ferrari hand sanitizers, Bvlgari sanitizers, Burberry sanitizers, Chanel sanitzers, Guelain sanitizers, Armani sanitizers, Chole sanitizers, Dior sanitizers, Miu Miu sanitzers, Disney Princess sanitizers, Hello Kitty sanitizers etc. We have all the named brands and we can guaranty that all our perfumes are authentic. Most of our perfumes.....sanitzers are buy one get one free. If you do not want to buy the standard size ones, you can always give the baby perfumes/ sanitzers a try for very low prices. If you buy over 100HKD of them, you can have them 20% off at Goodyear. The reasons I like them perfumes/sanitizers, other than they smell good, also because their bottles are very pretty and sometimes elegant. I can use them as home decorations. Perfumes can be stored for at least 3 years, you can use them slowly or once in a while with no problem. During Jesus's time, people already started using perfumes, do you still remember the woman who put perfume on Jesus's feet (Luke 7:36-50)? Even though she was a sinner, Jesus forgave her sins and gave her recognition publicly. High quality perfumes are very valuable, their ingredients are extracted from hundreds and thousands of flowers and plants. They can be decent presents for  your loved ones and yourself. If you want to buy a gift for your other half, other than jewelries, you can consider perfumes. Their packages are beautiful and elegant while their contents are rich. Lots of them have ingredients that have health benefits, some can make you relax, some can clear your mind, some have sunscreen components, and some even have anticancer ingredients. Give them a try!

P.S. Of course if you would like standard medicinal alcohol or non-fragrant hand sanitizer, you are always welcomed to our pharmacy to pick one or dozens.

Goodyear Perfume Centre & Pharmacy 


HK Branch: 12 Cameron Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon

1/F Grand Right Centre, 10 Cameron Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon



Tel: (852) 2369 3318

Fax: (852) 2369 0608

Macau Branch: 8 Travessa De S. Domingos, Macau


Tel: (853) 2831 2267

Fax: (853) 2831 2274


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