Sunday, October 18, 2020


 Someone broke into my place and stole around 40 of my candies, again. I called the police, again. I do not know if they are actually going to do something to stop the ongoing crime this time. Thieves, please return 7 folds of what you stole from me this time and many last times at the following addresses. You can do your shopping over there. The products are very cheap. All of you have income. BUY YOUR OWN STUFF!!! So that you do not have to steal from me anymore. Police, you can shop with us as well. Because you have not done your jobs thoroughly, I lost more than tens of thousands of dollars. Even up to today, the crime is still  going on. Theft yesterday,  again. People still keep on stalking me trying to damage my body and belongings. Smokers are still smoking around me to give me cancer and age my skin. So you better come and buy something from my boss so I can keep my job. We have super good deals here anyway. 有你着數。仲有呀即使冇收入嘅人都冇權偷,麻煩你哋向政府教會慈善機構申請援助,唔該唔好再攪我。

Goodyear Perfume Anti-theft Centre & Pharmacy 


HK Branch: 12 Cameron Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon

1/F Grand Right Centre, 10 Cameron Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon



Tel: (852) 2369 3318

Fax: (852) 2369 0608

Macau Branch: 8 Travessa De S. Domingos, Macau


Tel: (853) 2831 2267

Fax: (853) 2831 2274


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