Monday, October 5, 2020


法國 France "Bonjour"

瑞士 Switzerland "Grüezi"

美國 United States "Yo Watup"

韓國 Korea "안녕하세요"

西班牙 Spain "Hola"

意大利 Italy "Ciao"

我哋合成嘅護膚合作伙伴嚟自五湖四海,成個聯合國咁,合則嚟,不合。。。冇可能囉,又高質素,又買一送一,三折都有,仲要有贈品,嚮邊度揾呀?您話嘞?正所謂我哋做女人嘅,腦袋要似智慧老人,皮膚要似幼嫩BB,唔喺點對付啲又狡猾又睇表面嘅男人呀? 快啲嚟合成,做個充滿智慧嘅幼嫩BB啦。見客又好,老公男友又好,皮膚好,前途大好。仲有,合成藥房連補腦丸都有得賣,啱我哋。。。您哋呢啲智慧BB啦! 俾個版您睇嘞。

Goodyear skincare products are from international sources, they are suitable for different skin types and for the unique you. We are just like a Skincare United Nations here. In order to help you to have a goodyear every year, we buy in high quality skincare products to fit your needs. And sell them at super low prices, buy one get one free, half or even a third of the original prices. Where else can you find good deals like that. You want to be a successful woman? Then, you need baby skin and Einstein's brain, so that you can compete with and win over those cunning and visual men.  Come on honey, come to Goodyear and become a wise smooth skin baby. For a good impression your clients, for your significant others or even for you kids so that you do not scratch when giving hugs and kisses. There is a saying (by me) "Bright Skin, Bright Future". You want more wisdom? Goodyear Pharmacy has brain sharpening supplements especially for you. Let me show you one of them.

Here is the ingredient list:
補腦丸成份, 有人參嫁!

See, it proves my United Nations point, this product is from Germany , other than sausages, they also have brain supplements.

成為智慧BB小貼士: 向上帝祈禱啦,因為所有嘅智慧健康生命都喺源自佢嫁,上帝喺我哋嘅創造者同供應者,吖嘛,乜您唔知咩?
Another trick tIme a wise baby, pray to our Heavenly Father for wisdom and health. Because all wisdoms and lives are from Him. He is our creator and provider.

Wish Heavenly Father and Goodyear can work together to make you a healthy wise babe with sweet aroma.

Goodyear Perfume Centre & Pharmacy 


HK Branch: 12 Cameron Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon

1/F Grand Right Centre, 10 Cameron Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon



Tel: (852) 2369 3318

Fax: (852) 2369 0608

Macau Branch: 8 Travessa De S. Domingos, Macau


Tel: (853) 2831 2267

Fax: (853) 2831 2274


Protenzagy Brain Supplement


Radix Ginseng Rubra: immune enhancement effects, the recovery of vital energy as well as the alleviation of fatigue, blood flow improvement, antioxidant effects, and the positive effects on memory enhancement and menopausal disorder.

Radix Et Rhizoma Rhodiolae: increase the body resistance against hypoxia in mountain sickness. It increase mRNAs  and proteins of erythropoietin in order to improve the lack of oxygen in tissues.

Pycnogenol is used for treating circulation problems, allergies, asthma, ringing in the ears, high blood pressure, muscle soreness, pain, osteoarthritis, diabetes, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), a disease of the female reproductive system called endometriosis, menopausal symptoms, painful menstrual periods, erectile dysfunction (ED), and an eye disease called retinopathy. It is also used for preventing disorders of the heart and blood vessels, including stroke, heart disease, and varicose veins. Pycnogenol is used to slow the aging process, maintain healthy skin, improve athletic endurance, and improve male fertility. Some people use skin creams that contain pycnogenol as "anti-aging" products.

Grape seeds are rich in antioxidants. Grape seed extracts (GSE) may help reduce blood pressure, particularly in young to middle-aged people and those who have excess weight.GSE has been shown to improve blood flow and reduce the risk of blood clotting, which may benefit those with circulatory problems.GSE may help reduce your risk of heart disease by inhibiting the oxidation of LDL (bad) cholesterol and reducing oxidation to heart tissue during times of stress. Animal studies show promising results regarding GSE’s ability to help treat arthritic conditions and promote collagen health. However, human-based research is lacking. GSE shows potential to inhibit many of the degenerative characteristics of brain and cognitive decline. However, more human studies are needed.GSE may offer protection against damage from oxidative stress and inflammation, thus promoting kidney health.GSE may inhibit a variety of microbes and offer protection against antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains, foodborne bacterial illnesses, and fungal infections like candida.In lab studies, GSE has been shown to inhibit cancer in various human cell types. GSE also appears to reduce chemotherapy-induced toxicity in animal studies without negatively affecting treatment. More human-based research is needed. GSE appears to protect your liver against drug-induced toxicity and damage. However, more human studies are needed.GSE creams appear to increase growth factors in your skin. As such, they may aid wound healing and help reduce the signs of skin aging. GSE appears to be well tolerated. However, pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid it. Also, those taking certain medications should discuss taking this supplement with their healthcare provider.


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