Tuesday, October 6, 2020


您睇吓佢幾衰吖,毒藥都仲唔夠,仲耍雞乸咁大隻字寫住純正毒藥呀,仲要監平監賤賣呀,慌毒人唔死咁呀,仲要話自己喺香水嚟掩息呀,您話吖,呢個喺咩世界吖,呢啲咁離譜(平)嘅嘢喺合成至做得出嫁咋! 講多個秘密您聽,Christian Dior 其實喺合成嘅同黨嚟錄,唔好話俾人知喺我講嫁,我唔想挪屎上身呀!

See how evil they are, it is not only poison, it is pure poison with no impurity in there, so ALl BAD. And they reduce the price so much that everybody can afford to buy it. I guess the crime rate is going up pretty soon. They even use the words Eau de Parfum to cover up their crimes. What is this cheap nonsense? Goodyear has explored my horizon about serial murderers. And let me tell you a secret  Christian Dior is their Confederate. Do not tell others that I tell you that. 

Goodyear Perfume Centre & Pharmacy 


HK Branch: 12 Cameron Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon

1/F Grand Right Centre, 10 Cameron Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon



Tel: (852) 2369 3318

Fax: (852) 2369 0608

Macau Branch: 8 Travessa De S. Domingos, Macau


Tel: (853) 2831 2267

Fax: (853) 2831 2274

E-mail info@goodyearperfumecentre.com


This is its poisonous bottom

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