Sunday, October 11, 2020


The Noodle Song

♡s,m(C) mfmr(G) s s,l,(F)t,drm(C)

t,l,(F) l,dls(C) t, d(Am) 

rmf(F)mrd l, sr(G)

s,m(C) mfmr(G) s s,l,(F)t,drm(C)

t,l,(F) l,dls(C) t, d(Am) 

rmf(F)mrd l, ls(G)

sd'td'(C) d'sdl(F)

lr'de'r'(Dm) lld'd'(G)t

sd'td'(C) r'dtd'(Am) l

r'm'f'(F)m'r'l f'(G)m'r'ltd'(C)♡

Repeat ♡

r'm'f'(F)m'r'l f'(G)m'r'f' f'm'(C)

Today as I was trying to think of a melody, I thought of the song Seek Ye First The Kingdom of God, then I could not think of anything special, so I tried to look at the melody that I wrote before, I turned on the computer, and walked into the kitchen to chopstick the noodles I was cooking from the pan into my bowl, then the melody above just rushed into my brain, in the kitchen. Then I wrote the whole thing down with chords within 8 minutes. Guess Who gave me that?It's my friend Jesus and His Daddy Heavenly Father.

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