Thursday, October 15, 2020


Why're your jokes always so dark?

What's wrong with being dark? Are you a racist or something? Are you discriminating jokes? Huh? How dare you, criticize on my skin.....color-blinded jokes! Shame on you!  

I guess you....your jokes are having too much fun.....sun. 蟹賣五雙No?






Advanced Whitening Essence 冰川水 (120ml)
專利配方BIOWHITE, 內含4種天然植物精華,有效抑制自由基及酪氨酸酶氧化時所產生的黑色素,淡化黑斑,配合專利配方GigaWhite,含7種植物精華,全面阻止黑色素增生,蘊含單寧酸,類黃銅與微量元素,具美白及舒緩功效,有效對抗日曬,加上長效補濕因子FUCOGEL 1000PP, 即時補水鎖水。
The patent formula BIOWHITE contains 4 natural plant extracts that can effectively inhibit the production of melanin during oxidation of free radical and Tyrosinase, reduce dark spots.  It works together with the patent formula GigaWhite which contains 7 plant extracts which stop the increase of melanin completely. It also contains tannins, flavonoids, and trace elements which have whitenning and soothing effects, effectively work against sun damages. With the addition of the long lasting moisturizing factor FUGOGEL 1000PP, it can also hydrate skin and lock moisture. 

透白防曬乳霜Whitening UV Cream SPF 15 (30ml)
專利配方BIOWHITE, 內含4種天然植物精華,有效抑制自由基及酪氨酸酶氧化時所產生的黑色素,減低日曬後自由基及酪氨酶氧化時所產生的黑色素,減低日曬後自由基對皮膚細胞的傷害及淡化黑斑,配合維他命C及E成份有效除去表皮層色斑,刺激骨膠原蛋白增生及緊緻皮膚,同時透白美肌。
The patent formula BIOWHITE contains 4 natural plant extracts, effectively inhibit melanins that are produced by the oxidations of free radicals and tyrosinases, reduce the skin cell damages that are caused by the free radicals from sun exposure and fade dark spots. With the addition of Vitamin C and E, Whitening UV Cream SPF 15 can effectively eliminate pigmentations, stimulate collagen from growing, tighten and firm skin, create lucent and whitened skin.

Italy Cura Della Pelle 3003°C Bio-Snow Eye Mask

Formulated with snow highland botanical plant, bio extracts, moisturizing elements and Vitamin E to multiply and enhance  its therapeutic effect. Its cooling nature cools blood, neutralize toxins, regulate blood circulation, enhance oxygenation and reduces visible fine lines, wrinkles, diminish puffy eyes, dark circles. The botanical proteins, bio-extracts also gives tightening and anti-aging benefits, suppress oil clog formations as they penetrate into the deep tissue around the eyes. The eye mask relieves eye fatigue, rejuvenates and restores the radiance and elasticity around the eye area.
成份: 熊果( Arctostaphylos Uva Ursi) 葉提取物,甜菜碱,生育酚乙酸酯。配方採用雪地高原植物精華,滋潤成份及維他命E提高療效。它冷凍的特質有涼血功能,中和毒素,調節血液循環,提高加氧作用及減少細紋,皺紋,減少眼部浮腫,黑眼圈。植物蛋白質及精華有緊緻及抗衰老的功效,抑制滲入深層組織時在眼部周圍形成油脂堵塞。眼膜消除眼部疲癆,令眼部皮膚變得更年青,有彈性及有光釆。

Palmer's Anti-dark Spot Fade Cream 
Moisturize, sooth and calm skin with lavender essential oil, effectively reduce pigmentations and acne marks, even skin tone, improve aging skin, does not contain preservative nor artificial color

Goodyear Perfume Centre & Pharmacy 


HK Branch: 12 Cameron Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon

1/F Grand Right Centre, 10 Cameron Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon



Tel: (852) 2369 3318

Fax: (852) 2369 0608

Macau Branch: 8 Travessa De S. Domingos, Macau


Tel: (853) 2831 2267

Fax: (853) 2831 2274


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