Thursday, May 19, 2022


 早晨呀咁多位,合成10點鐘開門,有時間就入去逛逛買吓嘢啦! 佢哋除咗護膚品同香水之外仲有藥品同日用品賣嫁。

尖沙嘴地鐵站B2出口行兩步就可以到合成香水中心藥房掃平又高質嘅貨嘞 (金馬倫道12號地下)

Good morning everyone, Goodyear opens at 10am. Please do some shopping over there if you have time. Other than skincare products and perfumes, they also have medicines and necessities for sale.

Goodyear Perfume Centre and Pharmacy is right by Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station B2 exit. You are always welcomed to come and get some low price yet high quality Goodyear goods (Ground Floor, 12 Cameron Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon)

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