Thursday, May 19, 2022


Montee Caviar Cellular Repair Intensive Day Cream
Montee 魚子活細胞强強效日霜

深海鱘魚魚子與人體蛋白質相似,更含有磷脂蛋白質,氨基酸,微量原素,礦物質,維他命ABC,有效更生及修護受損細胞,重建皮脂膜,加強肌膚鎖水能力,配合Skin Tightener ST,能緊緻肌膚,令肌膚更加柔軟,另加入UNIMOIST U-125超強補濕因子,即時鎖水及補水達24小時

Montee Cellular Caviar Rejuvenating Night Cream
Montee 魚子活細胞更生晚霜

深海鱘魚魚子與人體蛋白質相似,更含有磷脂蛋白質,氨基酸,微量原素,礦物質,維他命ABC,有效更生及修護受損細胞,重建皮脂膜,加強肌膚鎖水能力,配合Skin Tightener ST,能緊緻肌膚,令肌膚更加柔軟,另加入水解豆蛋白能快速渗透皮膚,加速製造膠原蛋白。

Montee Caviar Cellular Repair Revive Eye Contour Cream
Montee 魚子活細胞再生晚眼霜

深海鱘魚魚子與人體蛋白質相似,更含有磷脂蛋白質,氨基酸,微量原素,礦物質,維他命ABC,有效更生及修護受損細胞,重建皮脂膜,加強肌膚鎖水能力,配合專利配方REGU-AGE活化細胞配方,有效地深層修護受損细胞,撫平皺紋,促進淋巴系統循環,减少因緊張及血管擴張形成黑眼圈,除此之外,透過由深海桓物提煉的Skin Tightener ST,能緊緻肌膚,令肌膚更加柔軟。

Jovell Pearl & Caviar Luxury Day Cream
Jovell 珍珠魚子日面霜

Jovell Pearl & Caviar Luxury Eye Gel

You are welcomed to come to Goodyear to bring all these caviar skincare products home to smooth and whiten your skin and the skin of your loved ones.




All Jovell products at Goodyear are buy 1 get 1 free

Jovell 系列貨品買一送一

All Montee (from Switzerland) are 30% off.

Montee 系列產品七折

尖沙嘴地鐵站B2出口行兩步就可以到合成香水中心藥房掃平又高質嘅貨嘞 (金馬倫道12號地下)

Goodyear Perfume Centre and Pharmacy is right by Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station B2 exit. You are always welcomed to come and get some low price yet high quality Goodyear goods (Ground Floor, 12 Cameron Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon)

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