Wednesday, May 18, 2022


 一箱箱新貨咁嚟,要俾好多錢嫁喎,佢哋夠唔夠錢俾啲供應商嫁? 仲有貨架擠到冇位擺,賣唔賣得出呢? 賣唔出好大鑊嫁喎。幫幫手嚟合成買咁啲走,唔該UM! (記得B2出口UM)

Boxes of products come in, the boss needs to spend lots of money for that. Do they have enough money to pay the suppliers? The shelves are all packed. What if they cannot be sold? Then that is going to be a big problem. Please come to Goodyear and buy some, please, please, pleeeeeeeease!!! (Remember TST MTR station Exit B2)

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