Saturday, October 10, 2020


There is one obvious thing why I know that my enemies are from satan is they like deaths and hate God's creations. They have been using every single way to kill my plants. So far, around ten of them are dead. I think those people who just randomly kill and torture cats and dogs on the street are probably occupied by satanic power in their minds. That is why they become so cruel and non human. Also they like to destroy and damage beautiful things. God creates human to naturally like beauty and try to treasure it, but my enemies hate it, they want to destroy and damage it, all the time. They want to do things that is opposite from what God has done. They have symbols with the cross turning upside down, instead of eating food and pooping feces, they eat feces. They also do things that is similar to God but twist it around to mock Him. Or sometimes they make it so similar that people may be tricked to worship satan and fake gods instead of Yahweh and Christ. Remember, the devil and evil spirits are fallen angels, they have certain powers to imitate even your dead loved ones. They are the ghosts, your dead great great grandpas are not.  

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