Saturday, August 10, 2019


若經濟不境   生意做不成
打工拍烏蠅   老闆冇錢剩
荷包又扁平   手停就口停
飢餓是死症   人權要力拼
前途看不清   神蹟來救拯
人民若發聲   政要便聆聽
用行動回應   帶你出困境
工作加把勁   人權照申請
溫柔地預訂   誠意地落定
使香港繁榮   令祖國振興
When money is tight   Nothing for us to bite
The dead cannot fight   Has no human right
So use all our mights   We on our work sites
Strive also for rights   To make future bright
Pray day and night    So God will shed light
Feel free to spread light   Ideas and insights
Improve to new heights Serve in God's sight
So to break the ice  Among the Chinese sites
HongKong China's rights Worthy is the fight

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