Friday, October 2, 2020


First the enemies put a black spot at the center of my right cheek, then they put a black spot on my new cartoon bed sheet, then they put a black spot at the center of my new white backpack (the most expensive  one among all my bags). They chipped and cracked my furniture and emade my white furniture yellow. The enemies can hurt my body and put scars on me anytime they want. They steal my food and belongings and do damages to them. They put insects into my apartment and kill my plants. They let toxic smoke into my apartment, hammer my ceiling to make it crack. My curtain metal bar has already fallen off from the ceiling. They disturb and threaten me with voices and move my arms and legs and wake me up in the middle of my sleeps. People follow me around and bang onto my bags and my body in order to damage us. But yet, nobody stops them and nobody gets arrested even after I have called the police more than a dozen times, both in US and in Hong Kong. I have contacted FBI, the White House, and the authorities in China, still no solution. I even contacted the World Health Organization and the United Nation. Still the attacks continue. Please pray for me brothers and sisters in Christ. I think the authorities on earth cannot do much. So I need the Spiritual Absolute Authority of the Heaven and earth to take control of my life and the things that He has been blessing me with so that no one can damage His Temple or damage and steal His Temple's accessories anymore. Please ask Him to restore all I have lost, including time. In Jesus Christ Mighty Name. Thank you.

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