Friday, May 10, 2019


Annoyer: I think someone came into my place and vandalized my belongings. They probably cracked the code at the door.
(a phone call later)
Annoyee: The landlord said that he can change it into the traditional key lock for our safety.
Annoyer: Good Lord!!! That will cost a lot of money. Is he going to pay for it?
Annoyee: Yes, he said so.
Annoyer: That's great!!! I think I may have a microchip in my head, can you ask the landlord to pay for the surgery to remove it as well?
Annoyee: 。。。。。。。

麻煩人    :  有人入屋搞破壞,可能佢哋知道咗門鎖密碼。
被麻煩人:  個業主話為咗我哋安全,可以換翻用鑰匙嘅鎖喎。
麻煩人    :  嘩我的主呀! (唔知點解咁文皺皺) 好貴嫁喎。。。咁喺咪佢出錢先?
被麻煩人:  佢話喺喎。
麻煩人    :  太好啦!仲有,我諗我有一楷微晶片喺我個頭裏面,唔知可唔可以叫阿業主佢出錢幫我攞翻出嚟咁呢?
John 10:10

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