Thursday, May 16, 2019



睡了不洗澡, 如今騷死了。立在眾人裏,欠伸着, 由他們反眼睛。
萎黃的臉龐, 如今綠色了!俯仰老公前, 沉默默地彼此向着。
不見了的小孩, 如今隨意長大了!女兒快樂的聲音?
「老伴, 我們別得久了!」好濃的敵意啊!
可憐的小孩, 我們小朋友,

I Am Pig

I did not shower and went to bed
Now I smell extremely bad
I stand in the crowd, yawn and stretch my back
Just let everybody rolls their eyes back.
My yellow old face now turns green because he is back
I stand silently before my husband face to face instead of back to back.
My long lost child randomly grown but where is her voice of happiness?
'Partner, we have been long apart! ' He still has the strong urge to attack.
My poor child, our little baby, did he bring you back? Or you brought him back?
Original "Little Grass"

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