Sunday, May 12, 2019


Today I tried to share some messages with others, they were sort of rich. I got totally ignored. Then I tried to cook my lunch, and thought the mouth of the oil bottle was blocked. So I took out some needles to open up the hole of the oil bottle. But the needle box lid was stuck. I could not even turn it to get the needle out properly. The box lid ended up came off and needles scattered all over the place. Because they were so small, it took me a while to pick up the needles one by one from the floor, put them back into the box and fixed the lid on top of it. As I finally sat down and enjoy my lunch, God gave me all these hints and a conclusion:

"And again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."

See, Jesus Christ is always right.

今日, 我嘗試分享一些信息,但那些人完全當我透明,他們都是頗富有的。跟着我便開始煮午飯,發覺油瓶的口好像堵塞了。於是我便拿出針來弄開瓶口。怎料針盒的蓋也壞了,扭也扭不動,結果,蓋子掉了出來,針散到滿地都是。因為針很小,我花了頗長時間才把針一枝一枝拾起來放回盒子裏,再把蓋安上。後來我終於能夠坐下來享受午餐,上帝就給了我這些提示和一個結論:

  我又告訴你 們,駱駝穿過針的眼,比財主進神的國還容易呢!
馬太福音 19:24


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