Saturday, June 5, 2021


Yesterday a girl from elementary or junior high banged on my bag really hard that she even moved my body (intentionally harming others) when I was shopping in a store. She said she wanted to ruin my bag till it cannot be used anymore. She told the store owner the bag she was trying to ruin was free. I did not want to argue with her and make a big deal about it and disturb other customers so I kept my mouth shut. Everything that girl was wearing and eating were free, she did not have to pay a penny. So according to her standard, you know what to do with her stuff. By the way, none of the stuff I use and own was free, raw materials were not free, labor times were not free, proceedings were not free, transportations were not free. When they were bought they were not free.

Then the adults were doing the same thing banging on my bags (they have done that many times before) on purpose and when I confronted them the pretended that it accident and said sorry. One of them even said they wanted to see how was I going to respond  after he banged on my stuff. How about the damages they have done? Sorry does not help, money does. So pay up.  Which one would you like, prison time, pay me back or both, you criminal damagers?

Also you broke God's Law by stealing or robbing the qualities of my gifts fro Him. You wronged God by wasting His resources from the world He created. You reduced the limited resources so the poor or even the human kind does not have enough. So we will be out of food, out of fuel, out of raw material to use. Eventually, human will be extinct and the planet earth will be destroyed.

Our Lord gave us enough

You treat all things rough

You make our lives tough

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