Saturday, June 5, 2021


The 20 to 30 year old woman upstairs said it is "good" that because of her hammering my ceiling so that I would wake up. She always does that and even let the kid in to instigate him doing the same thing. She forgot that human beings wake up naturally after they have enough sleep. This morning I was already up by the psychotronic weapons but just laying in bed because I did not have enough sleep. These wakeupers do not know when people do not have enough sleep will ruin their health. How "good" can that be when it ruins my health? Even kindergarten children are know that. I cannot believe that people are so lack of knowledge nowadays.  

They thought that since they stole, robbed, ruined so much of my stuff and  hurt my health, if it was "good" to hurt me, convinced everyone that they were "helping" and it was "good", they did not have to pay. All I am going to say is God is Just. He knows what is truly GOOD because GOD IS GOOD.

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