Tuesday, June 1, 2021



收養我得嘛,佢哋監生話我同我阿爸好有錢喎! 咁就承佢貴言啦! 如果您哋唔收養我,我就繼續窮到窿,多多都唔夠俾佢哋搶同偷同破壞身體,湯藥費冇得賠,搶咗冇還,死都唔掂,警察政府又唔肯幫我保護我,您哋做咗我爸爸媽媽之後至少有啲防盜系統同保鏢保護我吖嘛! 謝謝收養! 感激不盡! 願上帝祝福您和您一家!



Dear Mr. Arnault, Mr. Bezos, Mr. Musk, Mr. Gates, Mr. Zuckerberg, Mr. Buffett, Mr. Hathaway, Mr. Page, Mr. Ellison, Mr.Brin and Ms. Meyers:

Could you kindly adopt me, please? People have been accusing me of being rich and have a rich dad. So they have been constantly stealing from me, legally and illegally robbing me, refusing to give me paid jobs and even ruining my belongings and body. They have been ruining my academic, career and relationships so that I have been stucked as a loser for over a decade. They have been even attacking me using psychotronic weapons so they can remotely hurt my body and steal my thoughts without having to go to prison or take any bad consequence. Police do not help, FBI do not help, CIA do not help, governments do not help. Only if you adopt me, then their statement stands, at least "I have a rich dad (or mom)". And your security guards and security systems can protect me a little bit.

Thank you for your consideration regarding my adoption and I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

May God bless you and your family.


Pearly Pui Yee Yip

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