Friday, March 27, 2020


Dear Heavenly Father, I love You. I cannot live without You. You are the King of kings and the Lord of lords. You are the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory. Please forgive my sins and help me not to commit them anymore. I thank You for giving me food to eat, water to drink, a place to live, clothes to wear, air to breath and all the creations for us to enjoy. I thank You for giving me life and eternal life. Please continue to give me opportunities to finish my training without any obstacle. Please help me to establish my career very soon. Please eliminate all the attacks from the satanic/ psychotronic torture weapons. Please destroy any weapons/ technologies that do harms to people. Please stop all the mind monitor and control by human and satan without the victims' consents. Please make my body, Your Temple, to be intact, beautiful, strong and filled with Your Glory. Please protect everything You have given me from being damaged, stolen, robbed and taken against my will. Please give me health and strength to do Your works. Please bless me in my academics, career, marriage if You want me to get married, bless my future children if You want me to have them and bless my finances if You think I need them.  Please bless me with all I need and want according to Your will. Please bless my family as well. Please give them salvation and health.. Please bless me with Your knowledge, skills, wisdom, joy and peace and give me opportunities to serve You with what You equip me with. Please fill me, guide me, teach me, inspire me and empower me with Your Holy Spirit. Please help me to listen to and obey You. Please cast out and away satan, demons and their powers from me, my family, my friends, my enemies and from all the brothers and sisters in Christ. Please keep evil permanently away from us. In Jesus Christ's Mighty Name I pray. Amen.

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