Monday, March 23, 2020


長期唔俾我做嘢,一啲收入都冇,仲要偷我錢,偷同破壞我僅有嘅嘢, 有時我仲要執垃圾食先可以生存,難得有人暫時施捨啲嘢俾我食用等我唔洗死住,竟然有啲從來冇幫過我嘅在職有錢人士話我自私唔分啲嘢俾佢哋。。。
The life destroyers do not let me work, do not give me money, steal from me, damage my belongings, when God and some kind people finally give me a little bit of stuff once in a long while, The life destroyers, who have regular (sometimes high) incomes, call me selfish when I eat and use the donated stuff that is barely enough for me, the zero-income-long-term-unemployed-beggar me.

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