Monday, March 23, 2020


It is so self explanatory, MANager only manages a MAN, not a woman. Therefore, I do not have to listen to him. Also, a woman cannot become a MANager, she can only become his director or CEO. In other words, a MAN can only work in MANual labor jobs or as a MANager the highest. He cannot be promoted further.  Also,  in a FAMily, the Feminine (Female human being) one should be the head of the household while the MAN should still MANage to provide Money for the FAMily. While the woman can use the money the MAN provides and the money she earns to do whatever she wants because Females are supposed to have Freedom and Women are allowed to be Wild. Furthermore, even womens' voices have Higher pitches than mens'. Guess what? Woman can take the lead while man can only take a leak.

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