Tuesday, March 24, 2020


People say up 60% of human body is supposed to be water. If you want me to lose weight, do not lose the water, lose the fat, stupid!!! And by the way our bodies have natural mechanisms to adjust the amount of water to a proper level, you do not have to induce constant sneezes and running nose to get rid of extra water, you have been drying me up and giving me rashy skin, in other words, you have been committing murder for 3 years. If the water is not out naturally, it is supposed to be in.   Dehydration can cause death, so as lack of sleeps and organ damages. I told ya, you psycho attackers are retarded. A three-year-old is not. By God's grace, I am still alive. And let me repeat, my life is none of any of you psycho attackers's business. DO NOT manipulate my body ever again, my body belong to Heavenly Father ONLY.  You should punish yourselves for being liars, thieves, robbers, adulterers and murderers. You guys have been breaking all Ten Commandments. In my humble opinion, you should even kill yourselves, if not in realities, at least in the game. The devil is with you, that is obvious.
P.S. Destroy the weapon(s) and Take me off the game immediately. I never give you consent to put me in the game nor under your attacks.

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