Saturday, April 25, 2020


I am involuntarily living with whole bunch of guys, maybe girls, and my dad is involuntarily paying the rent for them. My information and privacy is involuntarily being exposed to the outside world and I am involuntarily being hurt and disturbed by these "roomates". In this apartment, I am the only only one who is not a thief. I am also possibly the only human being here. When the people/ burglars in reality have come or come in physically, they would have been and will be part of the gang that force my dad to pay rent for them and do almost everything the psycho attackers do to ruin my life.
我老豆喺被迫幫班賊交租的,我喺被迫俾人偷資料,被迫私隱被公開及被迫身體被傷害的。成個房/單位裏面,我喺唯一一個唔喺做賊嘅, 我亦可能喺唯一一個真正嘅人類。當啲人或者賊親身爆竊我屋企,佢哋已經同將會成為呢班電子精神攻擊者嘅同黨,強迫我老豆幫佢哋交租同喺我生命中搞破壞。

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