Wednesday, April 29, 2020


越吻越滄桑, 明明無餘地拉翻緊, 明明知道嘴得多會皺紋深, 皮鬆咗變做怪獸 。。。
原來自古以來男人講嘢嘅時候女人唔好出聲同埋女人口大食窮郎同唔好水性楊花等等嘅勸勉都喺充滿智慧。我以後都喺收聲同飲水算喇, 仲要用飲筒, 仲有我以後都會瞇埋眼, 聽到男人聲掉頭走, 咁將來就唔洗抽脂拉面皮同打Botox啦。
Sexists are full of wisdom. From now on, I am going to stop eating, tie my waist super small, keep my mouth shut, keep my eyes closed, walk the other way when I hear a man's voice. Because no whore, no talk, no kiss, no facial expression, no food, therefore no liposuction, no plastic surgery, no Botox in the future for me. A man.

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