Friday, April 24, 2020


今日,一名年約四十至五十歲頭髮蓬鬆身穿穿裝的亞裔女子,在街上到處撲向途人,應該引起公眾恐慌。不論小女孩,年輕少女,到長者,只要是女性,她都抽住其衣領,近距離質問她們有否搶奪她結婚多年的丈夫BB,又說她們軟禁其伴侶,導致她與丈夫一直相隔,從來都未見過面,連婚禮當日丈夫也沒有出現。據街坊透露該名女子向來獨來獨往,由於長期失業,以收集街上別人棄置或腐爛食物來餬口,由於她患有大近視,大散光及大老花,她跟途人近距離接觸,一點也不出奇,這是為甚麼沒人理會或報警。直至警方在警署覺得有點沉悶,循例出來跟這位女士交涉,該名女子竟然抽着一名女警衣領質問同樣問題, 又問該女警有否用槍威脅她丈夫到女警家,再鎖上手扣,所以他才不能離開。該名女子已因被控襲警被警方帶到警署進行問話。無聊電視記者冇人要報導
Today, there was an Asian female aged between forty to fifty with untidy hair and in torn clothes approached random people violently on the street. Her behaviors should have created pubic panic. Her targets included children, teenagers, adults and elderly, as long as they were females, this Asian female would grabbed their collars, interrogated them and asked whether they have stolen, robbed or hid her long-time-husband BB. She also said that people trapped her spouse somewhere so that they both had been separated and had never seen each other. Even on her wedding day, her husband did not show up. According to the people living and working in the neighborhood, this Asian female had always been alone. Because she had always been unemployed, she had to collect and eat garbage on the street to survive. Due to the fact that she had serious shortsightedness, severe astigmatism, serious presbyopia, she had to lean  close to see all her targets on the street to "warn" and "interrogate" them. The interviewees expressed that they were not surprised to see what happened and that was the reason they did not do anything nor called the police. Until, the police felt so bored that they came out to talk to this specific Asian female just to have something to do. But the Asian female grabbed the collar of one of the policewoman and asked her whether she had used her gun to threaten her husband BB and hand cuffed him at the policewoman's home so that he could not leave. The Asian female was arrested over assaulting police and taken to the nearby police station. This is Nobody Wants, Nothing To Do News.

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