Sunday, April 26, 2020


其實喺咪我見識少,喺香港擅自開人度門走入人哋屋企係咪唔算犯法咖呢?合法爆格? 因為我從小到大任何一個國家包括香港嘅教育喺爆格喺要坐監的。因為人哋啲嘢靚,因為香港亂,理直氣壯話自己可以亂咁入人屋根本就唔喺理由,簡直喺荒謬!我喺七十後嘅人,喺咪九十後嘅人嘅教育喺教導佢哋戾橫折曲咖呢?又或者佢哋嚮啲完全冇人知嘅國家接受教育?又或者佢哋相信邪教?抑或喺孤兒嚮街大完全冇接受教育?即使冇翻過學,父母親人隔離鄰舍都會話俾佢哋聽唔啱啦吓話。佢哋唔喺露宿者喎,自己有個靚地方住緊㗎喎,有錢過我多多聲喎!唔通佢哋唔喺人?人權又唔識,私隱權又唔識,連偷嘢破壞爆格喺犯法都唔識,前嗰排咁多人出嚟遊行示威做咩炙?佢哋唔喺就喺爭取基本人權法治呢啲嘢咩?叫人哋黑警因為警察唔按法律辦事亂咁傷人,唔通佢哋偷竊騷擾呢啲犯法違反道德嘅行為唔算黑?佢哋連人哋有個安全嘅住處權利都剝奪埋,唔通又好守法好為香港好咩?我好懷疑囉!破壞咗咁多嘢,死傷咁多人,佢哋依家做埋啲咁嘅衰嘢,完全同運動爭取嘅嘢唱反調,好心啦!如果佢哋喺黃,啲黃死得唔值,如果佢哋喺藍,乜藍絲唔喺撐警守法律咖咩?佢哋咁做,即喺將罪惡合理化,即喺為咗自己利益不擇手段啦!
I am wondering maybe I am so lack of knowledge. Is it actually legal to open other peoples' door and walk in other peoples' homes without permission in Hong Kong? Legal Burglary? Because the way I was raised in every single country including Hong Kong, you need to go to jail if you break into peoples' homes. Because others' belongings are pretty, because Hong Kong is messy or just because they can enter into anybody's home is not even a reason, it is ridiculous! I was borne in the 70's, is the education of the people borne in the 90's taught them to twist truth? Or were they educated in some unknown countries? Or are they belong to a cult? Or are they orphans growing up on the street and never been educated before? Even though they have not been to school, parents, relatives, or even neighbors would have told that what they have been doing are wrong. They are not homeless, they are living in beautiful places, much richer than me! Are they even humans? They do not know what are basic human rights, do not know privacy, they do not even know breaking in, stealing and damaging other peoples' belongings are illegal. What were they protesting about a while ago? Were they not fighting for basic human rights and rule of law? They called the police black because the police violated the citizens, are they not black as well because they are violating others' basic rights of living in safe secure places? Are they really trying to fight for the good sake of Hong Kong? I doubt it. So many damages, so many deaths and injuries, now these burglars do something so evil, totally doing things against the protest, shame on them! If they are yellow, they are wasting the lost lives and sacrifices of the yellow ribbons, if they are blue, are the blue ribbons people not supporting the police and encouraging people to obey the law? These burglars have just been trying to rationalize sins and crimes,  take advantage of the unfortunates to get their own benefits, nothing else!

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