Monday, April 20, 2020


Someone broke into my place and make a big black mark on my Melody key chain. They have done similar thing before to my suitcase. Since they stole the quality of my belonging, please pray to God to force them to return seven times of what they stole and damaged, in Jesus Christ Mighty Name. Thank you. They also made the metal part of my hair ties rusty. I stored my key chain and my hair ties in a sealed dry box, I suspected that they put water on them. One of my needle in the needle box also got rusty. Again the needles have been stored in a dry needle box. Before, they broke my Melody rabbit shaped decoration from one of my plastic tiaras, I stored them in a thick bag and I was sure I did not break it. They also broke one hair clamp that my sister gave me. They put a big hole on my white dress, damaged my bras and stole my socks. They cracked one of my glass plate before and put a big spot of black ink on my computer. They stole 1000 dollars supermarket coupons from me and 1000 dollars supermarket coupons in another time. They stole around 2000 cash with my Octopus card and Melody cover another time. The above are just the things that I figured out they stole and damaged, possibly more. Since they stole the qualities and damaged my belongings, please ask God to force them returning seven folds of what they stole, in Jesus Christ Mighty Name. Thank you. Also please pray that no one can come into my rental apartment anymore without my permission and no one can steal and damage my belongings anymore , in Jesus Christ Mighty Name. So far I only allow my family to come over provided that they notify me ahead of time. Thank you for your prayers. The enemies come to steal, kill and destroy and I can see those behaviors from these invaders.

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