Monday, April 20, 2020


Why did you steal so many of her stuff?
Coz they're pretty.
You should buy them yourself! She's unemployed!
It's convenient, time is money, I'm earning multi million dollars everyday, I have to find ways to save time! She lives so close by, I just have to walk in and take them, and it helps me to save money as well.
Why did you break her stuff then?
She's so broke, she's supposed to use broken and ugly stuff. The pretty ones suit me better coz I'm rich and elegant, can't you tell? She doesn't deserve them, I do. Also, that bitxh doesn't even know how to make money. I can earn something just by selling the things I took from her. She only stores them at her place so that they won't get damaged, I just want to prove that her method doesn't work. It's a waste in the economic point of view. It's better for me to keep them and make money out of them. I emphasize, she doesn't deserve them.

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