Monday, November 9, 2020


尋日我自己一個去玩,有好多人跟住我撩事鬥飛,又撞我同我的衫同袋,不停咁講,我著咩衫,做緊乜,全部大大聲聲講,我又報咗警,跟住啲人開始教疏啲細路做同樣嘅嘢,仲一腳Dump落我隻腳度。跟蹤我嘅人仲話自己喺習近平嘅人 ,我翻到屋企個遊戲話嗰啲人喺我老豆派嚟嘅。原來習近平同我老豆都進行緊非法從前黑社會活動,跟蹤刑事毁壞兼蓄意傷害他人身體。。。

Yesterday,  I went out to play by myself, there were lots of people following me and tried to start fights with me. They purposely banged on me, my clothes and bag, kept announcing what did I wear, what did I do, they said them very loudly. I called the police, again, then those people started to manipulate their kids to do the same things, a kid even stepped very hard on my foot. Those stalkers said that they were sent by Xi Jinping. After I went home, the "game" said that those people were sent by my dad. I did not know that even Xi Jinping and my dad were participating in illegal extriad activities like stalking, criminal damaging, deliberate maiming, 

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