Saturday, November 21, 2020


Mom, I want food.

Alright, calm down first.

What do you mean!!! I'm calm!!!

Your size and color do not show that. The table and chairs are too small for you at this moment.

O I forgot, sorry mom.

Where's the new suit you wore this morning?

O I left it on the street...I'm sorry!

Again!!! Do you know how expensive that suit is? Now go back to where you left it and bring it home.

It's in pieces, again, sorry mom, I forgot.

How many times I have to remind you, when you're angry quickly take off your expensive clothes, fold it or hang it up so that they won't get wrinkled or torn!!! 

I'M SORRY OKAY!!! I'm trying to save the world here!

You're saving the world, who's saving our money then? That was a really nice designer suit with the best fabrics and cutting! What a waste! 


I haven't finished. Can you smash the bad guys more accurately and gently? You've been smashing too hard on everything! Do you know how many historic buildings you've ruined? Do you know how hard is it to build and maintain those  sculptures? They've been kept for hundreds of years!

Mom how can I get rid of the bad guys if I smash gently, they're all very strong and have hi tech weapons! If I don't smash them hard, we'll be history as well, not only the buildings! I'll try to do it more accurately though. Now where's my food?

I've made your favorites. But I'm not going to let you eat until you change color, wash yourself up and put on clean clothes. I don't want the super hero to get food poisoning and throw up in the house. Open your mouth,  I'm just going to throw a couple slices of apple in for now.


Now stay behind the house to calm yourself down. I don't want you to scare the kids next doors.

Okay mom.


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