Thursday, November 12, 2020


 As I was walking to Goodyear, this guy suddenly spoke really loudly where I passed by right outside the building I live in, so I stared at him and he stuck out his lit cigarette without smoking it, stalked and murdered, again. Then as I was walking, those satanic psychotronic weapons nonstop hurting my eyes. I called 999 and asked them to pass along the message, they refused, they kept asking me to go to the police station, then they hung up on me for more than 15 times. I said how can someone go to the police station if they are in real danger? I just asked them to pass along the message, I have been contacting the police and Hong Kong SAR leader, even FBI, American police, White House, for over 2 years and recently indirectly to the leader of China. Nobody could help. People even said that they are part of it. I have been praying to God to get rid of them, sometimes the weapon stops, other times the weapon continues. Please do something about it, arrest whoever are using these weapons to do harm to others and even arrest whoever are manufacturing, selling and buying the weapons.  If satanic powers or witchcraft are involved, please ask God to break these satanic powers. I am not the only victim in this world. Please continue to pray very hard to God to eliminate these weapons and satanic attacks from this world. In Jesus Christ Mighty Name. Thanks.

By the way, people said that they "punished me because I looked at guys". What i want to say is it is none of anybody's business. God gave me eyes to look at different things. I am single and even when I am married, God will still give me freedom to look at anything o want without hurting others or invading their privacies. Satan always thinks that he is god, so are these attackers and they have been doing very bad jobs. They are NOT GOD and they will never be.

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